DIY Microblading: Can You Microblade At Home?
Microblading eyebrows is a semipermanent eyebrow tattoo-like procedure that enhances the appearance of your eyebrows through pigment. Essentially, it’s applying pigment in fine, hair-like strokes to resemble a natural eyebrow, similarly that tattoo artists would use their needle.
If you struggle with sparse eyebrows or an uneven shape, professional microblading can be a great way to give your brow hair fullness all around. We understand the struggle to touch up your eyebrows each morning with makeup. Microblading, when done right, can save us time and money and leave us with the best eyebrows of our lives!
Like any other procedure that makes tiny puncture wounds into your skin, microbladed brows take time to heal, and there’s always a possibility of infection. This is why we should always go to a professional.
Cosmetic tattooing is an expensive process, so why shouldn’t you try to DIY this at home? Well, we’ve got a few reasons why it can be super dangerous to do your microblading at home.
The first reason is cleanliness. Because you’re using a microblading tool that punctures your skin, you can get an infection if the tool or environment is not clean at the time of use. This can be potentially dangerous. When thinking of DIY microblading, you need to be hyper-aware of your surroundings and just how clean they are.
This also means you need to purchase and use the right tools to do this procedure right. Don’t use household objects and makeshift tools because it won’t end well. If you’re going to try this at home, you need to make sure your space is equipped and disinfected.
You also need to make sure that your face is clean of any makeup, oils, and dirt so that you have a clean, blank canvas to work with.
There are some microblading kits that you can buy off of Amazon, such as the Charme Princesse Permanent Makeup Wireless Tattoo Machine Kit and the Mellie Microblading Premium Microblading Kit. These two fall into the $150-$200 range and come with the pigment, blade, and stencils/tools you need to sketch on your desired brow.

Some additional products you may need are a mirror, disinfectant wipes, gloves as well as numbing cream, which is optional but helpful if you’re performing this procedure on yourself. You can always buy these supplies separately, but the kits have the most bang for your bucks.

The next thing you need to be wary of before starting is that you may not like the results. If you’ve never attempted microblading at home, then you might have a hard time trying to sketch out the shape of your brows. We know that eyebrows are sisters and not twins, but microblading is supposed to fix those imperfections, not enhance them.
Take your time in front of a mirror to make sure that your outline looks exactly how you want because once you start, there’s no going back. Make sure to use hair-like strokes, short and in the direction your natural-looking eyebrow would grow. Try to focus on the shape, giving yourself an arch or a rounded top depending on what’s most flattering.
If the pigment starts clouding up your outline, use a paper towel to wipe any excess so that you can see what you’re doing. You should also be doing this in front of a well-lit mirror so that you can see the fine details of your progress. Follow your desired shape and stick to those outlines to ensure the best end results.

One of the main risks of microblading at home is just flat-out doing it wrong. Microblading is a specific technique where you have to use the right pressure to deposit the pigment into the upper portion of the dermal layer.
If you go any deeper than that, you can cause long-term scarring, and there’s a higher risk of infection. If the fear of a bad microblading job isn’t enough to truly scare you, maybe the risk of permanent pigment migration and scarring will.
This is an “at your own risk” situation. While microblading at home might save you money in the short term, it could end up costing you more money down the line to fix any mistakes, treat any infections, and anything else that could’ve gone wrong in the process.
There are tons of risks when using tiny needles untrained from home. This includes the possibility of an allergic reaction as well. If you experience any unusual redness, irritation, signs of infections, or allergic reactions, please consult a doctor.